Achieve Mastery 成就专精:从探索者到专家



Achieve Mastery: From Seeker to Expert, with Robert Greene, Author of Mastery

今天我们请到了罗伯特·格林(Robert Greene)。他是《专精力》一书的作者。在今天的课程中,格林将和我们分享在我们的职业生涯中达成领域专精所必需的五个阶段。

Mozart, Einstein and Steve Jobs were all masters of their respective fields. And this was due to their ability to elevate their minds to an extremely high level. People like this “have a feel for what’s coming next in the world,” says Robert Greene, author of Mastery. “They can sense trends. They can see answers to problems without almost even thinking.”

莫扎特、爱因斯坦和史蒂夫·乔布斯之所以能成为各自领域的大师,都是因为他们能够将自己的思想提升到一个非常高的水平。《专精力》一书的作者罗伯特·格林(Robert Greene)说,像这样的人“对世界上即将发生的事情持有一种预感”。“他们能感受到趋势,能不假思索就找到问题的答案。”


And yet, don’t be intimidated. Mastery is accessible, in fact, much more so today than ever before due to the explosion of the information economy. In this lesson, Greene demystifies the steps involved in achieving mastery in your life’s work.





Theory of Mastery 专精理论

Mastery is basically a form of intelligence that people reach after years of working in a field, years of practice, experience, some failure. It could be 10,000 hours. I say it can be 20,000 hours. It’s what happens to a Mozart or an Einstein or a Steve Jobs or anybody who is at something long enough where their mind basically elevates to another level and they have what I consider high level intuition.



They have a feel for what’s coming next in the world. They can sense trends. They can see answers to problems without almost even thinking. Ideas come to them. It’s extremely powerful. We have this notion that great geniuses or creative people like an Einstein or a Da Vinci or SteveJobs – these people are born that way as if it’s a genetic thing that they have some kind of chromosome that makes them more talented, and it’s just a bunch of nonsense. This kind of mastery comes through a process, a process that’s linked to the brain, to how we learn. It’s all based very deeply in neuroscience.



And it’s not intimidating. If you’re so deeply engrossed in a field that you love whether it’s music or sports or dancing or interviewing people for Big Think, you’re not even aware of the 100 hours, the 500 hours that you’re putting into it because you love what you’re doing. You know, if you think about the 10,000 hours you go, “Oh my God. I could never get there. What a drag. It’s not worth it.” But really if you’re at a job that you hate and the time is going slowly and you’re unhappy, it’s a lot worse than the possible hours you might have to put in to mastering a field. The process itself is actually a very exciting rewarding process.

不过别担心,它并没有听上去那么可怕。如果你非常专注于你喜欢的领域,不管是音乐、体育、舞蹈,还是为Big Think做访谈,你甚至都不会意识到自己已经为此投入了一百个小时,或者五百个小时,因为你所做的是你热爱的事业。想象你要为一件事投入一万个小时,你可能会说“天啊,我可能永远也做不到。这太没意思了,根本不值得。”但实际上,如果你做的是一份你讨厌的工作,时间就过得很慢,你也会很不开心,比起你花费大量时间去专精一个领域,做不喜欢的事可要糟糕多了。达成专精的过程本身应该就是让人兴奋且回报丰厚的。


Mastery in Practice: A Lesson from 50 Cent 实践中的专精:50美分的教训

The steps to mastery, you know, I have many biographical examples, 50 Cent is one of the people I interviewed. The process that I’m leading you through begins with a sort of a self-exploration where you become aware of what it is that you want to accomplish in life. Children generally are attracted to certain things, whatever field it is, and you want to go back and become aware of that. Well, 50 as a kid, you know, there wasn’t much he could hope for in his environment. There weren’t many role models. But there were the hustlers on the streets, and he decided he wanted to be a businessman, an entrepreneur, a hustler. That was the only avenue he could find out of Queens, where he grew up, and so at the age of nine, he’s learning all about the business of dealing drugs. He’s handling it as if he were an entrepreneur.




Phase 1: Discover your calling. 第一阶段:发现你的使命。


And then he realizes that this is also a dead end and the only other avenue out of the hood is music. And he actually loves music, so he’s gonna combine music and business. That’s going to be what his life’s task is. I call it a life’s task. This is what you were meant to be.This is what makes you unique, what you were born to accomplish. And what doe she do? He’s got some business acumen but he has nobody he can turn to for a music education.




Phase 2: Become an apprentice. 第二阶段:成为学徒。


He finds a mentor, somebody who can help you sort of shorten the process a bit and, you know, educate you in a more direct manner. So he finds Jam Master Jay who lives in his area and he latches on to Jam Master Jay. He becomes his mentor, and he starts to learn about the music business. And then he gets his first opportunity; Columbia Records signs him to a deal. So why 50 exemplifies what I’m talking about is he sees this as his apprenticeship. This is his university that he’s gonna go through at Columbia Records.




Phase 3: Hone the right skills. 第三阶段:磨练正确的技能。


The apprenticeship is like the key phase in your life. It generally corresponds to your 20s. It can start at 18, a little bit earlier and it runs to maybe the end of your 20s. It’s where all of your patterns, your habits are going to be formed. This is the most – it’s the third education after your parents and the university but it’s the most important education of them all. And he treated Columbia Records like a school. He didn’t just go there to record his music.




Phase 4: Practice seeing people as they are. 第四阶段:练习看清人的本来面目。


He went there and he talked to all the businesspeople. He learned all the aspects of the business. He learned about the PR, the promotion – just everything. All aspects of it. And so when he was shot, unfortunately, a couple of years into his career with Columbia and it looked like he was at the end and Columbia cancelled his record deal.




Phase 5: Awaken the creative-active mind. 第五阶段:唤醒创造性思维。


He now had all of these skills that he had learned about the business, about singing, about music itself, and he relaunched himself in a very famous mixed tape campaign on the streets of New York that made 50 Cent a very powerful person.





Phase 1: Discover your calling. 第一阶段:发现你的使命。

• Key Question: What might your life’ s task be?



Phase 2: Become an apprentice. 第二阶段:成为学徒。

• Key Question: Who might you turn to formentorship?


Phase 3: Hone the right skills. 第三阶段:磨练正确的技能。

• Key Questions: What skills must you acquire?Where might you experiment with the implementation of these skills?



第四阶段:练习看清人的本来面目。 Phase 4: Practice seeing people as they are.

• Key Questions: What types of personalities does your chosen field attract? How can you skillfully navigate these relationships?



Phase 5: Awaken the creative-active mind. 第五阶段:唤醒创造性思维。

• Key Question: How might you expand your knowledge to impact related fields in an original way?
