BGP Best Path Selection Algorithm
Contents Introduction Why Routers Ignore Paths How the Best Path Algorithm Works Example: BGP Best Path Selection Customize the PatRead More…
Contents Introduction Why Routers Ignore Paths How the Best Path Algorithm Works Example: BGP Best Path Selection Customize the PatRead More…
RPO(Recovery Point Objective)即数据恢复点目标,主要指的是业务系统所能容忍的数据丢失量。 RTO(Recovery Time ObjectivRead More…
Monolithic Architecture Monolith means composed all in one piece. The Monolithic application describes a single-tiered software application in Read More…
CENTOS7及其更高版本: 查看状态 systemctl status firewalld.service 打开防火墙 systemctl start firewalld.service Read More…
NAME tracepath – traces path to a network host discovering MTU along this path SYNOPSIS tracepath [-4] [-6] [-n] [-b] [Read More…
在某一次建立了虛擬主機後,發現該台主機的網路狀況不太穩定。 嘗試著PING了一下Gateway卻出現下面的畫面。 Read More…
iPerf is a tool which can be used to test LAN and WLAN speeds and throughput. It works by generating traffic from a computer acting as a client whichRead More…
RDMA:Remote Direct Memory Access 远程直接数据存取。服务器内存储信息读取技术,RDMA解决传统网络传输中服务器端数据Read More…
Which type of antenna does the radiation pattern represent? A. Yagi
B. multidirectional
C. directional patch
D. omnidirectional Correct AnswRead More…
Why is an AP joining a different WLC than the one specified through option 43? A. The WLC is running a different software version
B. The API is Read More…